
Este sitio web está diseñado para ofrecer a todos nuestros clientes, incluidos los usuarios con discapacidades, la posibilidad de disfrutar de una experiencia de compra o navegación rica y gratificante. Hacemos esto utilizando buenas prácticas en la elección de colores complementarios para los fondos y el texto. Nos esforzamos para asegurar que las imágenes se mantengan al mínimo en las áreas de navegación.


All content images on this site are provided with descriptive ALT attributes. Where images contain important information, such as graphs and charts, alternative information is provided in the form of inline descriptions of tabular data.

Cascading Style Sheets

Our site uses CSS (cascading style sheets) for visual and design layout this enables users to customise the appearance of the site to their preferences. Users without CSS will be able to browse a hierarchical list of contents.

Adobe Flash

We use Adobe Flash Player 7.0 or newer only for video purposes. We recommend using the most recent version of Adobe Flash Player, which is available from Adobe.

Assistive Technology Users

We strive to provide the best guest experience for all visitors to our web site. We are committed to continuing to find ways to enhance and improve the experience for all guests, including those using assistive technologies.