Talent Management


Succession Planning

Companies need to anticipate on their qualitative and quantitative skill set needs, defining the talents/criteria of key positions and identifying key persons to be put in place/accompanied and trained through either high level leadership programmes or High Individual Performance programmes.

Columbus Management helps clients identify gaps and accompanies them in implementing such succession planning programmes – here are some examples of actions where we can help:

  • Identify key positions through an organisation mapping
  • Identify knowledge transfer needs and implement knowledge transfer actions for key positions, through specific pairing or “shadowing” actions between the experienced employee and the knowledge transfer recipient
  • Assess risks and retention levels for employees who are in these critical roles and positions and/or identified as High Potentials
  • Develop a detailed skills matrix per department /specialty/area which outlines all adequate skills needed to run that specific function
  • Run On-the-Job-training (training through technical mentoring, implementing and following-up of professional activities in the presence of a peer who passes on his knowledge and know-how through demonstration)
  • Design a succession mapping, giving a clear expectation plan on replacements for all key positions outlining if a team member is:
    • - “Ready now” taking over the key position immediately
    • - “Ready in 1 to 2 years” with appropriate development plan