Datenschutz & Cookies

Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die von Websites, die Sie besuchen, auf Ihrem Computer abgelegt werden. Wir verwenden Cookies, um Ihre Erfahrungen mit unserer Website zu verbessern und die allgemeine Nutzung unserer Website zu verfolgen, so dass wir sie im Laufe der Zeit verbessern können. Im Folgenden erläutern wir die von uns verwendeten Cookies. Wir erklären, warum wir jedes Cookie verwenden, ob das Cookie Ihre persönlichen Informationen enthält (sie nicht!) und was passiert, wenn Sie uns nicht erlauben, jedes Cookie zu verwenden.

Use of Cookies

Cookie – Session

These are “session cookies”, so called because they are deleted at the end of your browser session, in other words when you close your internet browser. Our session cookies do NOT contain any of your personal information. We use “session cookies” so that we can store and retrieve the content of your shopping basket. Disabling session cookies would mean that you would not be able to shop on this site.

Cookie – Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to understand how we can improve our web site. These cookies do NOT contain any personal information.

The reports generated by Google Analytics contain aggregated, anonymous information. For example, it will tell us how many people visited our site, but not who visited our site. It is expressly against Google’s Terms of Service to even try to capture personal information. Google Analytics cookies do not expire – they will last until you delete your cookies.

Disabling these cookies means we will think there are fewer people using our web site than there actually are.

What information do we collect?

We may collect personal information about customers from a variety of sources including, but without limitation: visits to our website, shop, trade shows and emails. We will use our reasonable endeavours to ensure that people providing us with personal information are aware that it is being collected and for what purpose it is being collected at the point of collection.

Examples of the information that we may collect

We may, for example, keep a record of your name, address, email address, and telephone number. We may also keep a record of the purchases that you have made from us and details of any correspondence we have entered into with you.

We may supplement the information that we collect with other information that we obtain from our dealings with customers.

Why we collect your information

We collect information about you to help us to understand about our customers generally and also to help us to understand more about each individual customer specifically. We do this to help us to understand our customers’ preferences and to help us to provide goods and offers to them that they might find appealing.

How we will use your information

All personal information that we collect and/or obtain about customers will be recorded, used, and protected by us in accordance with current data protection legislation and this privacy policy. We will use personal information for the following purposes:

  • to administer transactions and provide products and services and or details of products and services to customers who request them;
  • to record, handle and respond to enquiries and complaints;
  • for general record keeping purposes;
  • to carry out market research and/or to improve the products and services we offer;
  • to track activity on our website;

We create an individual profile for each customer so that we can:-

  • understand and respect their preferences and privacy,
  • offer products and services that we think might be of interest to them, and customise our communication with them. For example, we may customise our website and marketing communications according to their interests.

Disclosure of your information

We may disclose your personal information to third parties:

  • In order to ensure that we manage your data effectively and efficiently, in which case we may need to appoint other organisations to carry out some data processing activities on our behalf. This might, for example, include checking your details against the telephone preference service. We may also need to appoint other organisations to carry out data processing activities such as mailing services and mail order fulfilment.
  • If our Company (or substantially all of its assets) are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by us about customers will be one of the transferred assets.
  • If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms of use or terms and conditions of supply of any of the services provided by us (for example web site terms and conditions) and other agreements; or
  • to protect the rights, property, or safety of our company, our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction

In these circumstances we will use our reasonable endeavours to ensure that personal information relating to customers is properly protected and processed under strictly controlled conditions.

Sharing Information

We will never share your personal details with commercial third parties.

What to do if you do not want us to contact you

We will assume that people who purchase our products, contact us, or use our website, wish to know more about us and we will communicate with them accordingly. We will use our reasonable endeavours to communicate with them according to the preferences that they share with us. We will use our reasonable endeavours at the point of data collection to provide customers with sufficient means to enable them to opt out of contact by us. This will be through tick boxes on paper forms, and electronic tick boxes.

Customers can change their mind at any time either to opt in or to opt out of receiving communications from us by contacting us as set out in this privacy policy.

Personal Information and the Internet

This privacy policy only applies to the collection of data by us and the use of that data by us and those we authorise. It does not cover third party websites to which we may provide links, nor does it cover advertisers and content partners who may also collect your personal information.

We recommend that customers check the privacy and security policies and procedures of each and every website that they visit including those of our commercial partners

We include certain blogs, forums and/or news groups on which customers can post information. Any information that customers chose to post in these areas becomes public information and you should always be careful when deciding to disclose your personal details as part of that information.

Security of information

We are firmly committed to data security. When customers place orders via our site, we use or offer the use of a secure server. The secure server software encrypts all information before it is sent to us. We take steps to guard against unauthorised access to customer data and have security procedures in place to protect our paper based systems and computerised databases from loss and misuse. We only allow access to them when it is absolutely necessary, and then under strict guidelines.


We may monitor or record telephone calls and we may also use CCTV at or near our premises. The primary reason for this monitoring is for training and/or security purposes and also to improve the quality of services that we provide to you.

What do we do with your financial information

We will use your financial information to enable payment authorisation and billing including any online, mail order, or telephone purchases. When you purchase any products from us, your consent is given to provide your financial information and personal information to those third parties necessary to process your transactions with us, such as credit card companies, banks and companies that handle delivery and shipping on our behalf.

We do not retain any record of your credit card details on our systems.

Your rights to access your personal information

You have the right to receive a copy of the personal information that we hold about you and we are entitled to charge a fee towards the cost of administering any request that you make. The current fee is £10.

How to contact us

If you wish to contact us about our Privacy Policy please use our Contact Form:

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